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2023-11-12 13:49:57 +00:00
⎕IO⎕ML←1 1
∆d←⍪('true' ('Lam' (,'t') ('Lam' (,'f') ('Var' (,'t')))))
∆d,←('false' ('Lam' (,'t') ('Lam' (,'f') ('Var' (,'f')))))
←∆d⋄∆t←⋄∆hi←{∆t,←⍺⍵}⋄∆hr←{∆t∘←((∆t↑[2]⍨¯1∘+),∆t↓[2]⍨⊢)⍵⍳⍨,1↑∆t}⋄err←{⍵⎕SIGNAL 8}
str←{'Lam'≡⊃⍵:∊'(λ'(2⊃⍵)'. '(∇3⊃⍵)')'⋄'Var'≡⊃⍵:2⊃⍵⋄'App'≡⊃⍵:∊'('(∇2⊃⍵)' '(∇3⊃⍵)')'}
lx←{0=≢⍵:⍬⋄(⊃⍵)∊l:(⊂0,⊃⍵),∇1↓⍵⋄3≠(⎕UCS 10 32)⍳⊃⍵:∇1↓⍵⋄'#'=⊃⍵:∇⍵↓⍨⍵⎕UCS 10
at←{P≡⊃⍵:{lx t←tr(1↓⍵)⋄C≢⊃lx:err'eparen'⋄(1↓lx) t}⍵
1≡⊃⊃⍵:(1↓⍵)('Var'(1↓⊃⍵))⋄L≡⊃⍵:ab 1↓⍵⋄err'etoken'}
lx tv←tr(1+i)↓⍵⋄nm←1↓¨i↑⍵⋄lx(nm{0=≢⍺:⍵⋄(¯1↓)∇'Lam'(⊃⌽⍺)⍵}tv)}
tr←{L≡⊃⍵:ab 1↓⍵⋄↑{(L≢⊃)∧(1≢⊃⊃)∧(P≢⊃):⍵⋄lx t←at ⋄lx ∇'App'⍵ t}/at ⍵}
bi←{k←⊃⍵⋄lx v←tr 2↓⍵⋄0≠≢lx:err'estray'⋄_←∆hr k⋄_←∆hi k v⋄⍬}
E≡⊃1↓⍵:bi ⍵⋄⊃⌽tr ⍵}
a←⍪''0⋄ac←{∆i←{i←(,1↑a)⊂⍵⋄_←{i>⊃⌽a:a,←⍵ 0⋄a[2;i]+←⋄0}⍵⋄⍵ad,a[2;i]}
{'Var'≡⊃⍵:'Var' (0 ∆i ⊃⌽⍵)⋄'App'≡⊃⍵:'App' (∇2⊃⍵) (∇3⊃⍵)
'Lam'≡⊃⍵:(⊂'Lam'),((∇3⊃⍵) ,⍨⍥⊂ (1 ∆i 2⊃⍵))}⍵}
{⍺←⊂''⋄'Var'≡⊃⍵:( lk ⊃⌽⍵)⋄'App'≡⊃⍵:'App' (∇2⊃⍵) (∇3⊃⍵)
an bn←∇¨1↓⍵⋄'Lam'≢⊃an:⍵⋄an bn←1↓ac 'App' an bn⋄av←2⊃an
'App'≡⊃⍵:'App' (∇2⊃⍵) (∇3⊃⍵)}3⊃an}
rd←{h←⍬⋄i←{⍵∊h:1⋄h,←⍵⋄0}⋄in←de ⍵⋄r←br⍣{(i hash )∨⍺≡⍵}in⋄(in≡r)(hash r)∊¯1↓h:err'einf'⋄r}
⍬≢ast←pr lx ⍵:str rd ast
⍝ apl-misc-math - Copyright (C) Kamila Szewczyk, 2022.
⍝ Redistributed under the terms of the AGPLv3 license.
⍝ Load using: ⎕fix'file:///.../apl-misc-math/mm.apl'⋄mm.setup
⍝ Special thanks to Adám Brudzewsky.
:Namespace mm
⍝ Default settings. The library works optimally with
⍝ higher precision arithmetic.
##.(⎕FR⎕PP)←1287 34
⍝ Alter to change the precision of operations.
⍝ Note: A value too small will carry more error due to
⍝ floating point inaccurancy.
⍝ Braces were supposed to make the result shy, but apparently they don't.
∇ {r}←setup
(_tanh_sinh_pf _tanh_sinh_m2)←↓(○.5)×5 6∘.○int_prec×÷int_prec
(_tanh_xk _tanh_wkd)←↓7 6∘.○_tanh_sinh_pf
euler_gamma←(+/∘÷∘⍳-⍟) lim_inf 1 ⍝ Alternatively: -digamma 1
⍝ d/dx |x=⍵
derv←{epsilon÷⍨-/⍺⍺¨⍵+epsilon 0}
⍝ d^n/dx^n |x=⍵
nderv←{⍵⍵=1: D ⍵ ⋄ (( D) ∇∇ (⍵⍵-1)) ⍵}
⍝ The secant root-finding method. ⍵ is starting x1,x2
dy←-/y1 y2←f¨x1 x2←⍵
⍝ Trim insignificant real/imaginary parts.
ztrim←{¯9 ¯11+.○(⊢×epsilon<|)9 11∘.○⍵}
⍝ Durand-Kerner method for finding complex polynomial roots.
⍝ 0.4J0.9 was chosen arbitrarily as a starting point. It is
⍝ neither a real number nor a de Moivre number.
}⍣⍺ g 0.4J0.9*⎕io-⍨1-⍨≢⍵
⍝ The Faddeev-LeVerrier algorithm for finding the characteristic
⍝ polynomial of a square matrix.
M0←⍵⋄I←n n1↑⍨1+n⋄⊃ {
⍵=0:1 I⋄(cp MP)←∇⍵-1⋄X←M0+.×MP
c←(+/0 0⍉X)÷-⍵⋄(cp,c)(X+I×c)
} n
⍝ An extension to the Faddeev-LeVerrier implementation above that
⍝ also keeps track of the matrix used to compute the inverse.
⍝ The inverse can be obtained using inv cpoly←... and inv×-÷⊃⌽cpoly
M0←⍵⋄I←n n1↑⍨1+n⋄cpoly←⊃ {
⍵=0:1 I⋄(cp MP)←∇⍵-1⋄X←M0+.×MP
c←(+/0 0⍉X)÷-⍵
} n
inv cpoly
⍝ Eigenvector computation.
n←≢⍵⋄I←n n1↑⍨1+n⋄s←⍵-×I
⍝ A range function from dfns.
range←{↑+/⍵{⍵×{⍵-⎕IO}1+0⌈⌊(-)÷⍵+⍵=0}\1 ¯1×-\2↑,+×⍵-}
⍝ Simpson integration. Assumes bounds <⍵.
(h÷3)×+/(+⍥⍺⍺ ⍵),((⍺⍺⊣+h×⊢)×2×1+2|⊢⍤0)S
⍝ Trapezoidal rule.
a b←(⌊,⌈)⍵
x←↑2,/(a+0 int_prec)range b
⍝ The tanh-sinh quadrature.
⍵≡0 1:+/_tanh_sinh_m2ר_tanh_xk
a b← ⍵⋄g←
(b-a)×+/_tanh_sinh_m2×{g a+⍵×b-a}¨_tanh_xk
⍝ Some APLCart stuff I dislike grabbing over and over again.
median←2÷⍨1⊥⊢⌷⍨∘⊂⍋⌷⍨∘⊂∘⌈2÷⍨0 1+≢
diag←{⍵⊂⍤⊢⌸⍥,⍨+/↑⍳⍴⍵} ⍝ Antidiagonals as a vector of vectors.
⍝ Partition a n-element index array according to an invertible
⍝ complexity function.
⍝ Complexity functions. Used in the partitioning algoithm,
⍝ they include an additional n factor.
Onbang←⊢×! ⍝ O(n!)
Onlogn←××⍟ ⍝ O(n log n)
Ologn←⊢×⍟ ⍝ O(log n)
Osqrtn←⊢×(.5*⍨⊢) ⍝ O(sqrt(n))
On3←⊢*∘4 ⍝ O(n^3)
On2←⊢*∘3 ⍝ O(n^2)
On←×⍨ ⍝ O(n)
O1←⊢ ⍝ O(1)
⍝ A primitive approximation of limits at infinity.
lim_inf←{0:: ⍵⋄x←¨ 0 1+⍵⋄epsilon<|-/x:⍺⍺∇∇(1+⍵)⋄⊃x}
⍝ The error function.
⍝ The sine integrals.
Si←{0 (1∘○÷⊢)simpson ⍵}
si←{(mm.Si ⍵)-○.5}
⍝ The cosine integrals.
Cin←{0 {⍵÷⍨1-2○⍵}simpson ⍵}
Ci←{mm.euler_gamma + (⍟-mm.Cin)⍵}
⍝ Offset logarithmic integral.
Li←{2 (÷∘⍟)mm.simpson ⍵}
⍝ Partial derivatives.
invariant_a←{⍵⍵ ⍵}
invariant_b←{⍵ ⍵⍵}
pderv_a←{epsilon÷⍨-/( invariant_b ⍵)¨⍺+epsilon 0} ⍝ Partial derivative df/d
pderv_b←{epsilon÷⍨-/( invariant_a )¨⍵+epsilon 0} ⍝ Partial derivative df/d⍵
⍝ The digamma function.
⍝ Gradient vector.
nabla_grad←{( pderv_a, pderv_b)⍵}
eunderspec←'Underspecified system. Missing the definition of nodes: '
enoint←'Failed to ensure integrity of the system'
epref←'Invalid prefix in specifier '
ea←' requires no arguments.' ' requires one argument.' ' requires two arguments.'
}¨' '(≠⊆⊢)¨⊃⎕NGET ⍵ 1
0=∧/vrf:(∊eunderspec(⍕sys/⍨~vrf))⎕SIGNAL 8
(≢≠⊃∘⌽)ind:enoint ⎕SIGNAL 8
unpref←{'x'≠1↑⍵:(epref ⍵)⎕SIGNAL 8 ⋄ 1↓⍵}
fmt←{{⍵/⍨(\∧∘⌽∨\∘⌽)' '≠⍵}∊('⍝'(≠⊆⊢)∊' '' '),¨⍵,⊂⍬}
state←⎕NS ⍬ ⋄ state.v←0⍨≢srt ⋄ state.t←0
arity←⊂'HIGH' 'LOW'
arity,←⊂'NOT' 'LED' 'BUTTON' 'CLOCK'
arity,←⊂'AND' 'OR' 'XOR' 'XNOR'
⍵≠¯1+⍸ind:(∊⍺,ea[⍸ind])⎕SIGNAL 8 ⋄ 1
var op args←2(↑,⊂⍤↓)⍵ ⋄ _←op chka≢args
op≡'AND':'⍝←⍝∧⍝'fmt av⋄op≡'OR':'⍝←⍝∨⍝'fmt av
op≡'XOR':'⍝←⍝≠⍝'fmt av⋄op≡'XNOR':'⍝←⍝=⍝'fmt av
op≡'NOT':'⍝←~⍝'fmt av⋄op≡'HIGH':'⍝←1'fmt⊂av
op≡'BUTTON':'⍝←0≠⍝ t'fmt(⊂load var),args
op≡'CLOCK':'⍝←0=⍝|t'fmt(⊂load var),⊂unpref⊃args
(∊'unrecognised op 'op)⎕SIGNAL 8
⎕←∊'Time: '(⍕state.t)' LEDs: '(⍕leds,¨state.v[3⊃¨srt[leds]])
⍝ import dfns
⍝ namespace for symbol implementations
ns←⎕NS ⍬
⍝ code page
cp,←∊(⎕UCS 32)(⎕UCS 10)
⍝ custom operations
t←⊂'~' '_Neg' ⋄ ns._Neg←{0=⍵}
t,←⊂'⍭' '_Pco' ⋄ ns._Pco←dfns.pco
t,←⊂'√' '_Root' ⋄ ns._Root←{←2 ⋄ ⍵*÷⍺}
t,←⊂'<' '_Lt' ⋄ ns._Lt←{0=⎕NC'':⍵-1 ⋄ <⍵}
t,←⊂'>' '_Gt' ⋄ ns._Gt←{0=⎕NC'':⍵+1 ⋄ >⍵}
t,←⊂'⍛' '_Rc' ⋄ ns._Rc←{⍵⍵∘⍺⍺}
t,←⊂'⍢' '_Round' ⋄ ns._Round←{←1 ⋄ (⊢∘×××∘⌈¯0.5+∘|÷⍨)⍵}
t,←⊂'⍍' '_MatMul' ⋄ ns._MatMul←{0=⎕NC'':(,⍨1,∘0)⍵ ⋄ +.×⍵}
t,←⊂'…' '_Range' ⋄ ns._Range←{
⍝ Adam Brudzewsky's Range function.
⍝ modified to follow a terser code style.
⎕IO←0 ⋄ c←0 2∊⍨10|⎕DR ⋄ t←1↓⍵ ⋄ d←c(e←⊃⍵)
f←⎕UCS⍣d⊢0 ⋄ ←f ⋄ l←-(2-d)⌊(≢⍺)⌊+/d=c¨¯2↑
s←l↓ ⋄ b←(¯1⌊l)↑¯2↑f,l↑ ⋄ d:s,t,⍨⎕UCS(⎕UCS b)∇ ⎕UCS e
F S←-⍨\2↑b,b+×e-b ⋄ s,t,⍨F+S×0⌈1+⌊(e-F)÷S+S=0
t,←⊂'⍙' '_MonadicDot' ⋄ ns._MonadicDot←{
r c←
M←~⍤1 0⍨r
t,←⊂'φ' '_Fib' ⋄ ns._Fib←{←0 1 ⋄ 0=⍵:⊃⍺ ⋄ (1↓,+/)∇ ⍵-1}
t,←⊂'⍗' '_PowerDown' ⋄ ns._PowerDown←{op←⍣¯1 ⋄ 0=⎕NC'':op ⍵ ⋄ op ⍵}
t,←⊂'⍐' '_PowerUp' ⋄ ns._PowerUp←{op←⍣(¯1+2*31) ⋄ 0=⎕NC'':op ⍵ ⋄ op ⍵}
t,←⊂'∧' '_And' ⋄ ns._And←{0=⎕NC'':⍵[⍋⍵] ⋄ ⍺∧⍵}
t,←⊂'' '_Or' ⋄ ns._Or←{0=⎕NC'':⍵[⍒⍵] ⋄ ⍺∨⍵}
t,←⊂'⍦' '_Middle' ⋄ ns._Middle←{>0:(-)↓⍺↓⍵ ⋄ x←⌈(|)-⍨2÷⍨≢⍵ ⋄ (-x)↓x↓⍵}
t,←⊂'⍁' '_Diagonal' ⋄ ns._Diagonal←{⍵⊢∘⊂⌸⍨⍥,+/↑⍳⍴⍵}
t,←⊂'⍮' '_Pair' ⋄ ns._Pair←{
⍵=10:2÷¯1+5*÷2 ⍝ golden ratio
⍵=11:⎕UCS 10
t,←⊂'Φ' '_Totient' ⋄ ns._Totient←((×/⊢-≠)3∘dfns.pco)
t,←⊂'⍲' '_Prefixes' ⋄ ns._Prefixes←{0=⎕NC'':(⍳∘≢↑¨⊂)⍵ ⋄ ⍺⍲⍵}
t,←⊂'⍱' '_Suffixes' ⋄ ns._Suffixes←{0=⎕NC'':(⌽∘,¨,\∘⌽)⍵ ⋄ ⍺⍱⍵}
t,←⊂'=' '_Equal' ⋄ ns._Equal←{0=⎕NC'':(1=≢∘∪)⍵ ⋄ =⍵}
t,←⊂'⍡' '_Filter' ⋄ ns._Filter←{⍵/⍨⍺⍺ ⍵}
t,←⊂'' '_DownTack' ⋄ ns._DownTack←{←10⋄⊥⍣¯1⊢⍵}
t,←⊂'⌂' '_DX' ⋄ ns._DX←∇∇
⍝ translation and execution
k←,¯1↓⍉↑t ⋄ t3←{{0=≢⊃⍵:⊃⌽⍵ ⋄ ⊃⌽t⊃⍨⊃⍵}¨⍵,⍥⊂¨⍨{⍸∊k=⊃⍵}¨⍵}
g← ⋄ r←t3¨{⍵/⍨{0≠≢⍵}¨⍵}{{⍵↓⍨-'⍝'=⊃⊃⌽⍵}60⌶⍵}¨↓⎕CR'g'
p←↑↑{∊⍺'⋄'⍵}/{∊⍺' '⍵}/¨r
2=⎕NC'':(ns⍎p)⍵ ⋄ (ns⍎p)⍵
←→ Century Window, Century Anchor Year
⍝ ⍵ ←→Decimal time number 60
⍝ ← ←→ ⍵ with added century
f w t←
s x←0 100w-⍨t
⍝ ⍵ ←→ Time Strings
⍝ ← ←→ Potential appropriate format strngs
sn←1∊∊(↓MonthNames'')⍷¨⊂⎕C m
fp←,i∘.⌷((4sn 1)/(4 3 2)(4 2 2)(2 3 2)2)/¨¨⊂'YMD'
b←⎕D∊⍨' ',m
r←+/2</b ⍝ Digit runs
d←+/~b[0;] ⍝ Number of delims
fw←1=≢b ⍝ Fixed width
1∧.≥r:fu,⊂'excel' ⍝ toWide fu ⍝ No delimiters
fw∧(d=1)∧2∧.=r:noDays toWide fd ⍝ Fixed without days
fw∧(d=2)∧3∧.=r:hasDays toWide fd ⍝ Fixed with days
z←toWide fu,fd,v
z←z[⍒≢¨z] ⍝ Preference for longer format.
z[⍒+/¨'YMD'∘∊¨z] ⍝ Preference for more elements
(⊂⎕C ⍵)∊'excel'∘,¨'' '1900' '1904':''
fe←'YMYMDhms'/¨⍨4 3,62
ve←'MMYMDhms'/¨⍨4 3,61
s←⍵⊆⍨+\2≠/' ',⍵
t←' in pattern ',⍵
0=≢p:'No elements provided',t
~∧/p∊fe,ve:'Invalid element',t
(⊢≢∧\)a∊e:'Missing elements',t
e≢e:'Duplicate elements',t
f←/p∊'YY' 'YYYY'
f∧~∧/p∊fe:'Invalid (for fixed-width) element',t
(~f)∧~∧/p∊ve:'Invalid (for variable-width) element',t
0=⎕NC'':2 Signal'The function requires a left argument'
c←2=≢m ⍝ Is char data
n←1=≢m ⍝ Is Numeric datea
⍝ 80≠⎕DR m:11 Signal'The right argument must be a simple char mat or simple numeric vector'
f w t←ProcessLeftArgument
/e:11 Signal⊃e/r
u←(∧/¨f∊¨⊂'YMDhms')(⎕C f)∊'excel'∘,¨'' '1900' '1904'
n∧~∧/u:11 Signal'Numeric data requires undelimited patterns.'
/e:11 Signal'The format pattern ',(⊃e/f),' is wider than the right argument'
f←{1=≢⍵:⊃⍵ ⋄ ⍵}f
f w t m
f←' '@i⊢
m[;i+3]←'ZI3'⎕FMT 1+n⎕C m[;i+3]
f m
w t←50,⊃⎕TS
80=⎕DR↑⍵:(⊆⍵)w t
⍝ ⍵ ←→ Char mat of time strings
←→ Format(s) [Century Window] [Century Anchor Year]
⍝ ← ←→ ⎕DT time number type 60 or 0 for invalid
300+100::ReSignal ⎕DMX
(f w t m)←⍺ ErrorCheck ⍵
2=≡f:{⊃+/⍵×<\⍵≠0}({⍵ w t}¨f)∇¨⊂m
'excel'≡⎕C 5↑f:f Excel2Date m
Validate f w t AddCentury k Default k Scale f Decode f Parse m
⍝ ⍵×60 0 ⎕DT ⍵
f c←(1752 1 1 0 0 0)(4000 13 32 24 60 60)
g←(k[2;]>0)∧k[2;]≤l+31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31[11⌊0⌈k[1;]-1]
:Class Jarvis
⍝ Dyalog Web Service Server
⍝ See for documentation
(⎕ML ⎕IO)←1 1
∇ r←Version
:Access public shared
r←'Jarvis' '1.14.5' '2023-10-14'
∇ Documentation
:Access public shared
⍝ User hooks settings
:Field Public AppCloseFn←'' ⍝ name of the function to run on application (server) shutdown
:Field Public AppInitFn←'' ⍝ name of the application "bootstrap" function
:Field Public AuthenticateFn←'' ⍝ name of function to perform authentication,if empty, no authentication is necessary
:Field Public SessionInitFn←'' ⍝ Function name to call when initializing a session
:Field Public ValidateRequestFn←'' ⍝ name of the request validation function
⍝ Operational settings
:Field Public CodeLocation←'#' ⍝ reference to application code location, if the user specifies a folder or file, that value is saved in CodeSource
:Field Public ConnectionTimeout←30 ⍝ HTTP/1.1 connection timeout in seconds
:Field Public Debug←0 ⍝ 0 = all errors are trapped, 1 = stop on an error, 2 = stop on intentional error before processing request, 4 = Jarvis framework debugging
:Field Public DefaultContentType←'application/json; charset=utf-8'
:Field Public ErrorInfoLevel←1 ⍝ level of information to provide if an APL error occurs, 0=none, 1=⎕EM, 2=⎕SI
:Field Public Hostname←'' ⍝ external-facing host name
:Field Public HTTPAuthentication←'basic' ⍝ valid settings are currently 'basic' or ''
:Field Public JarvisConfig←'' ⍝ configuration file path (if any). This parameter was formerly named ConfigFile
:Field Public LoadableFiles←'*.apl?,*.dyalog' ⍝ file patterns that can be loaded if loading from folder
:Field Public Logging←1 ⍝ turn logging on/off
:Field Public Paradigm←'JSON' ⍝ either 'JSON' or 'REST'
:Field Public Report404InHTML←1 ⍝ Report HTTP 404 status (not found) in HTML (only valid if HTML interface is enabled)
:Field Public UseZip←0 ⍝ Use compression if client allows it, 0- don't compress, 0<- compress if UseZip≤≢payload
:Field Public ZipLevel←3 ⍝ default compression level (0-9)
⍝ Container-related settings
:Field Public DYALOG_JARVIS_THREAD←'' ⍝ 0 = Run in thread 0, 1 = Use separate thread and ⎕TSYNC, 'DEBUG' = Use separate thread and return to immediate execution, "AUTO" = if InTerm use "DEBUG" otherwise 1
:Field Public DYALOG_JARVIS_CODELOCATION←'' ⍝ If supplied, overrides CodeLocation in config file
:Field Public DYALOG_JARVIS_PORT←'' ⍝ If supplied, overrides Port both default port and config file
⍝ Session settings
:Field Public SessionIdHeader←'Jarvis-SessionID' ⍝ Name of the header field for the session token
:Field Public SessionUseCookie←0 ⍝ 0 - just use the header; 1 - use an HTTP cookie
:Field Public SessionPollingTime←1 ⍝ how frequently (in minutes) we should poll for timed out sessions
:Field Public SessionTimeout←0 ⍝ 0 = do not use sessions, ¯1 = no timeout , 0< session timeout time (in minutes)
:Field Public SessionCleanupTime←60 ⍝ how frequently (in minutes) do we clean up timed out session info from _sessionsInfo
⍝ JSON mode settings
:Field Public AllowFormData←0 ⍝ do we allow POST form data in JSON paradigm?
:Field Public AllowGETs←0 ⍝ do we allow calling endpoints with HTTP GETs?
:Field Public HTMLInterface←¯1 ⍝ ¯1=unassigned, 0/1=dis/allow the HTML interface, 'Path to HTML[/home-page]', or '' 'fn'
:Field Public JSONInputFormat←'D' ⍝ set this to 'M' to have Jarvis convert JSON request payloads to the ⎕JSON matrix format
⍝ REST mode settings
:Field Public ParsePayload←1 ⍝ 1=parse request payload based on content-type header (REST only)
:Field Public RESTMethods←'Get,Post,Put,Delete,Patch,Options'
⍝ CORS settings
:Field Public EnableCORS←1 ⍝ set to 0 to disable CORS
:Field Public CORS_Origin←'*' ⍝ default value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header (set to 1 to reflect request Origin)
:Field Public CORS_Methods←¯1 ⍝ ¯1 = set based on paradigm, 1 = reflect the request's requested method
:Field Public CORS_Headers←'*' ⍝ default value for Access-Control-Allow-Headers header (set to 1 to reflect request Headers)
:Field Public CORS_MaxAge←60 ⍝ default value (in seconds) for Access-Control-Max-Age header
⍝ Conga-related settings
:Field Public AcceptFrom←⍬ ⍝ Conga: IP addresses to accept requests from - empty means accept from any IP address
:Field Public BufferSize←10000 ⍝ Conga: buffer size
:Field Public DenyFrom←⍬ ⍝ Conga: IP addresses to refuse requests from - empty means deny none
:Field Public DOSLimit←¯1 ⍝ Conga: DOSLimit, ¯1 means use default
:Field Public Port←8080 ⍝ Conga: Default port to listen on
:Field Public RootCertDir←'' ⍝ Conga: Root CA certificate folder
:field Public Priority←'NORMAL:!CTYPE-OPENPGP' ⍝ Conga: Priorities for GnuTLS when negotiation connection
:Field Public Secure←0 ⍝ 0 = use HTTP, 1 = use HTTPS
:field Public ServerCertSKI←'' ⍝ Conga: Server cert's Subject Key Identifier from store
:Field Public ServerCertFile←'' ⍝ Conga: public certificate file
:Field Public ServerKeyFile←'' ⍝ Conga: private key file
:Field Public ServerName←'' ⍝ Server name, '' means Conga assigns it
:Field Public SSLValidation←64 ⍝ Conga: request, but do not require a client certificate
:Field Public WaitTimeout←15000 ⍝ ms to wait in LDRC.Wait
:Field Public Shared LDRC←'' ⍝ Jarvis-set reference to Conga after CongaRef has been resolved
:Field Public Shared CongaPath←'' ⍝ user-supplied path to Conga workspace and/or shared libraries
:Field Public Shared CongaRef←'' ⍝ user-supplied reference to Conga library instance
:Field CongaVersion←'' ⍝ Conga version
:Property CodeSource
:Access Public
∇ r←get
⍝ IncludeFns/ExcludeFns Properties
:Property IncludeFns, ExcludeFns
⍝ IncludeFns and ExcludeFns are vectors the defined endpoint (function) names to expose or hide respectively
⍝ They can be function names, simple wildcarded patterns (e.g. 'Foo*'), or regex
:Access Public
∇ r←get ipa
∇ set ipa
:Select ipa.Name
:Case 'IncludeFns'
:Case 'ExcludeFns'
⍝↓↓↓ some of these private fields are also set in ∇init so that a server can be stopped, updated, and restarted
:Field _rootFolder←'' ⍝ root folder for relative file paths
:Field _codeSource←'' ⍝ file or folder that code was loaded from, if applicable
:Field _configLoaded←0 ⍝ indicates whether config was already loaded by Autostart
:Field _htmlFolder←'' ⍝ folder containing HTML interface files, if any
:Field _htmlDefaultPage←'index.html' ⍝ default page name if HTMLInterface is set to serve from a folder
:Field _htmlEnabled←0 ⍝ is the HTML interface enabled?
:Field _htmlRootFn←'' ⍝ function name if serving HTML root from a function rather than file
:Field _stop←0 ⍝ set to 1 to stop server
:Field _started←0 ⍝ is the server started
:Field _stopped←1 ⍝ is the server stopped
:field _paused←0 ⍝ is the server paused
:Field _sessionThread←¯1 ⍝ thread for the session cleanup process
:Field _serverThread←¯1 ⍝ thread for the HTTP server
:Field _taskThreads←⍬ ⍝ vector of thread handling requests
:Field _sessions←⍬ ⍝ vector of session namespaces
:Field _sessionsInfo←0 5'' '' 0 0 0 ⍝ [;1] id [;2] ip addr [;3] creation time [;4] last active time [;5] ref to session
:Field _IncludeFns←'' ⍝ private IncludeFns
:Field _ExcludeFns←'' ⍝ private ExcludeFns
:Field _includeRegex←'' ⍝ private compiled regex from _IncludeFns
:Field _excludeRegex←'' ⍝ private compiled regex from _ExcludeFns
:Field _connections ⍝ namespace containing open connections
∇ r←Config
⍝ returns current configuration
:Access public
r←↑{⍵(⍎⍵)}¨⎕THIS⍎'⎕NL ¯2.2 ¯2.1 ¯2.3'
∇ r←{value}DebugLevel level
⍝ monadic: return 1 if level is within Debug (powers of 2)
⍝ example: stopIf DebugLevel 2 ⍝ sets a stop if Debug contains 2
⍝ dyadic: return value unless level is within Debug (powers of 2)
⍝ example: :Trap 0 DebugLevel 5 ⍝ set Trap 0 unless Debug contains 1 or 4 in its
r←/(2 2 2⊃Debug).∧2 2 2level
:If 0≠⎕NC'value'
∇ {r}←{level}Log msg;ts
:Access public overridable
:If Logging>0∊msg
ts←fmtTS ⎕TS
:If 1=≢msg←⍕msg
:OrIf 1=⊃msg
r←ts,' - ',msg
r←ts,∊(⎕UCS 13),msg
∇ r←New arg
⍝ create a new instance of Jarvis
:Access public shared
:If 0∊arg
r←##.⎕NEW ⎕THIS
r←##.⎕NEW ⎕THIS arg
∇ make
:Access public
:Implements constructor
∇ make1 args;rc;msg;char;t
:Access public
:Implements constructor
⍝ args is one of
⍝ - a simple character vector which is the name of a configuration file
⍝ - a reference to a namespace containing named configuration settings
⍝ - a depth 1 or 2 vector of
⍝ [1] integer port to listen on
⍝ [2] charvec function folder or ref to code location
⍝ [3] paradigm to use ('JSON' or 'REST')
:If char←isChar args ⍝ character argument? it's either config filename or CodeLocation folder
:If ~⎕NEXISTS args
→0⊣Log'Unable to find "',args,'"'
:ElseIf 2=t←1 ⎕NINFO args ⍝ normal file
:If (lc⊢/⎕NPARTS args)∊'.json' '.json5' ⍝ json files are configuration
:If 0≠⊃(rc msg)←LoadConfiguration JarvisConfig←args
Log'Error loading configuration: ',msg
CodeLocation←args ⍝ might be a namespace script or class
:ElseIf 1=t ⍝ folder means it's CodeLocation
:Else ⍝ not a file or folder
Log'Invalid constructor argument "',args,'"'
:ElseIf 9.1={⎕NC⊂,'⍵'}args ⍝ namespace?
:If 0≠⊃(rc msg)←LoadConfiguration args
Log'Error loading configuration: ',msg
:If 326=⎕DR args
:AndIf 0∧.=≡¨2↑args ⍝ if 2↑args is (port ref) (both scalar)
args[1]←⊂,args[1] ⍝ nest port so ∇default works properly
(Port CodeLocation Paradigm JarvisConfig)←args default Port CodeLocation Paradigm JarvisConfig
∇ MakeCommon
:Trap 11
JSONin←0 ##.##.⎕JSON⍠('Dialect' 'JSON5')('Format'JSONInputFormat)⊢ ⋄ {}JSONin'1'
JSONout←1 ##.##.⎕JSON⍠'HighRank' 'Split'⊢ ⋄ {}JSONout 1
JSONread←0 ##.##.⎕JSON⍠'Dialect' 'JSON5'⊢ ⍝ for reading configuration files
JSONin←0 ##.##.⎕JSON⍠('Format'JSONInputFormat)⊢
JSONout←1 ##.##.⎕JSON⊢
JSONread←0 ##.##.⎕JSON⊢
∇ r←args default defaults
∇ Close
:Implements destructor
{0:: ⋄ {}LDRC.Close ServerName}⍬
∇ r←Run args;msg;rc
⍝ args is one of
⍝ - a simple character vector which is the name of a configuration file
⍝ - a reference to a namespace containing named configuration settings
⍝ - a depth 1 or 2 vector of
⍝ [1] integer port to listen on
⍝ [2] charvec function folder or ref to code location
⍝ [3] paradigm to use ('JSON' or 'REST')
:Access shared public
:Trap 0
(rc msg)←(r←New args).Start
(r rc msg)←'' ¯1 ⎕DMX.EM
r←(r(rc msg))
∇ (rc msg)←Start;html;homePage;t
:Access public
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
Log'Starting ',⍕2↑Version
:If _started
:If 0(,2)≡LDRC.GetProp ServerName'Pause'
rc←1⊃LDRC.SetProp ServerName'Pause' 0
→0 If(rc'Failed to unpause server')
(rc msg)←0 'Server resuming operations'
→0 If(rc msg)←¯1 'Server thinks it''s already started'
:If _stop
→0 If(rc msg)←¯1 'Server is in the process of stopping'
:If ⎕NEXISTS JarvisConfig
:AndIf 2=⊃1 ⎕NINFO JarvisConfig
_rootFolder←⊃1 ⎕NPARTS JarvisConfig
_rootFolder←⊃1 ⎕NPARTS SourceFile
_rootFolder←⊃1 ⎕NPARTS ⎕WSID
→0 If(rc msg)←LoadConfiguration JarvisConfig
→0 If(rc msg)←CheckPort
→0 If(rc msg)←CheckCodeLocation
→0 If(rc msg)←Setup
→0 If(rc msg)←LoadConga
homePage←1 ⍝ default is to use built-in home page
:Select ⊃HTMLInterface
:Case 0 ⍝ explicitly no HTML interface, carry on
:Case 1 ⍝ explicitly turned on
:If Paradigm≢'JSON'
Log'HTML interface is only available using JSON paradigm'
:Case ¯1 ⍝ turn on if JSON paradigm
_htmlEnabled←Paradigm≡'JSON' ⍝ if not specified, HTML interface is enabled for JSON paradigm
:If 1<|≡HTMLInterface ⍝ is it '' 'function'?
:If 1 1 0≡⊃CodeLocation.⎕AT t
→0 If(rc msg)←¯1('HTML root function "',(⍕CodeLocation),'.',t,'" is not a monadic, result-returning function.')
:Else ⍝ otherwise it's 'file/folder'
html←1 ⎕NPARTS((isRelPath HTMLInterface)/_rootFolder),HTMLInterface
:If isDir∊html
homePage←⎕NEXISTS html←_htmlFolder,_htmlDefaultPage
Log(~homePage)/'HTML home page file "',(∊html),'" not found.'
:If EnableCORS ⍝ if we've enabled CORS
:AndIf ¯1∊CORS_Methods ⍝ but not set any pre-flighted methods
:If Paradigm≡'JSON'
CORS_Methods←'GET,POST,OPTIONS' ⍝ allowed JSON methods are GET, POST, and OPTIONS
CORS_Methods←1↓∊',',¨RESTMethods[;1] ⍝ allowed REST methods are what the service supports
CORS_Methods←uc CORS_Methods
→0 If(rc msg)←StartServer
Log'Jarvis starting in "',Paradigm,'" mode on port ',⍕Port
Log'Serving code in ',(⍕CodeLocation),(CodeSource≢'')/' (populated with code from "',CodeSource,'")'
Log(_htmlEnabled∧homePage)/'Click http',(~Secure)↓'s://',MyAddr,':',(⍕Port),' to access web interface'
:Else ⍝ :Trap
(rc msg)←¯1 ⎕DMX.EM
∇ (rc msg)←Stop;ts
:Access public
:If _stop
→0⊣(rc msg)←¯1 'Server is already stopping'
:If ~_started
→0⊣(rc msg)←¯1 'Server is not running'
Log'Stopping server...'
{0:: ⋄ {}LDRC.Close 2⊃LDRC.Clt'' ''Port'http'}''
:While ~_stopped
:If WaitTimeout<⎕AI[3]-ts
→0⊣(rc msg)←¯1 'Server seems stuck'
(rc msg)←0 'Server stopped'
∇ (rc msg)←Pause
:Access public
→0 If~_started⊣(rc msg)←¯1 'Server is not running'
→0 If 2=⊃2⊃LDRC.GetProp ServerName'Pause'⊣(rc msg)←¯2 Error'Server is already paused'
→0 If 0≠rc←⊃LDRC.SetProp ServerName'Pause' 2⊣msg←'Error attempting to pause server'
Log'Pausing server...'
(rc msg)←0 'Server paused'
∇ (rc msg)←Reset
:Access Public
⎕TKILL _serverThread,_sessionThread,_taskThreads
_sessionsInfo←0 50
(rc msg)←0 'Server reset (previously set options are still in effect)'
∇ r←Running
:Access public
∇ (rc msg)←CheckPort;p
⍝ check for valid port number
:If DYALOG_JARVIS_PORT≢'' ⍝ environment variable takes precedence
(rc msg)←3('Invalid port: ',∊⍕Port)
→0 If 0=p←⊃⊃(//)⎕VFI⍕Port
→0 If{(⍵>32767)(⍵<1)∨⍵≠⌊⍵}p
(rc msg)←0 ''
∇ (rc msg)←{force}LoadConfiguration value;config;public;set;file
:Access public
:If 0=⎕NC'force' ⋄ force←0 ⋄ :EndIf
(rc msg)←0 ''
→(_configLoaded>force)0 ⍝ did we already load from AutoStart?
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:If isChar value
:If '#.'≡2↑value ⍝ check if a namespace reference
:AndIf 9.1=⎕NC⊂value
:If ~0∊value
→0 If 0∊file
:If ⎕NEXISTS file
config←JSONread⊃⎕NGET file
→0⊣(rc msg)←6('Configuation file "',file,'" not found')
:ElseIf 9.1={⎕NC⊂,'⍵'}value ⍝ namespace?
public←⎕THIS⍎'⎕NL ¯2.2 ¯2.1 ¯2.3' ⍝ find all the public fields in this class
:If ~0∊set←public∩config.⎕NL ¯2 ¯9
→0⊣(rc msg)←⎕DMX.EN ⎕DMX.('Error loading configuration: ',EM,(~0∊Message)/' (',Message,')')
∇ (rc msg)←LoadConga;ref;root;nc;n;ns;congaCopied;class;path
⍝↓↓↓ Check if LDRC exists (VALUE ERROR (6) if not), and is LDRC initialized? (NONCE ERROR (16) if not)
(rc msg)←1 ''
:Hold 'JarvisInitConga'
:If {6 16 999::1 ⋄ ''≡LDRC:1 ⋄ 0⊣LDRC.Describe'.'}''
:If ~0∊CongaRef ⍝ did the user supply a reference to Conga?
LDRC←ResolveCongaRef CongaRef
→∆END↓⍨0∊msg←(''≡LDRC)/'CongaRef (',(⍕CongaRef),') does not point to a valid instance of Conga'
:For root :In ##.## #
ref nc←root{1↑¨⍵{(×⍵)∘/¨⍺ ⍵}.⎕NC ⍵}ns←'Conga' 'DRC'
:If 9=⊃⌊nc ⋄ :Leave ⋄ :EndIf
:If 9=⊃⌊nc
LDRC←ResolveCongaRef root⍎∊ref
→∆END↓⍨0∊msg←(''≡LDRC)/(⍕root),'.',(∊ref),' does not point to a valid instance of Conga'
→∆COPY↓⍨{999::0 ⋄ 1⊣LDRC.Describe'.'}'' ⍝ it's possible that Conga was saved in a semi-initialized state
Log'Conga library found at ',(⍕root),'.',∊ref
class←⊃⊃⎕CLASS ⎕THIS
:For n :In ns
:For path :In (1+0∊CongaPath)⊃(⊂CongaPath)((DyalogRoot,'ws/')'') ⍝ if CongaPath specified, use it exclusively
:Trap Debug↓0
n class.⎕CY path,'conga'
→∆END↓⍨0∊msg←(''≡LDRC)/n,' was copied from ',path,'conga but is not valid'
Log n,' copied from ',path,'conga'
→∆END↓⍨0∊msg←(~congaCopied)/'Neither Conga nor DRC were successfully copied from [DYALOG]/ws/conga'
LDRC.X509Cert.LDRC←LDRC ⍝ reset X509Cert.LDRC reference
Log'Local Conga reference is ',⍕LDRC
∇ LDRC←ResolveCongaRef CongaRef;z;failed
⍝ Attempt to resolve what CongaRef refers to
⍝ CongaRef can be a charvec, reference to the Conga or DRC namespaces, or reference to an iConga instance
⍝ LDRC is '' if Conga could not be initialized, otherwise it's a reference to the the Conga.LIB instance or the DRC namespace
LDRC←'' ⋄ failed←0
:Select nameClass CongaRef ⍝ what is it?
:Case 9.1 ⍝ namespace? e.g. CongaRef←DRC or Conga
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:If /'.Conga'⍷⍕CongaRef ⋄ LDRC←CongaPath CongaRef.Init'Jarvis' ⍝ is it Conga?
:ElseIf 0≡⊃CongaRef.Init CongaPath ⋄ LDRC←CongaRef ⍝ DRC?
:Else ⋄ →∆EXIT⊣LDRC←''
:Else ⍝ if Jarvis is reloaded and re-executed in rapid succession, Conga initialization may fail, so we try twice
:If failed ⋄ →∆EXIT⊣LDRC←''
:Else ⋄ →∆TRY⊣failed←1
:Case 9.2 ⍝ instance? e.g. CongaRef←Conga.Init ''
LDRC←CongaRef ⍝ an instance is already initialized
:Case 2.1 ⍝ variable? e.g. CongaRef←'#.Conga'
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
∇ (rc msg secureParams)←CreateSecureParams;cert;certs;msg;inds
⍝ return Conga parameters for running HTTPS, if Secure is set to 1
LDRC.X509Cert.LDRC←LDRC ⍝ make sure the X509 instance points to the right LDRC
(rc secureParams msg)←0 ⍬''
:If Secure
:If ~0∊RootCertDir ⍝ on Windows not specifying RootCertDir will use MS certificate store
→∆EXIT If(rc msg)←'RootCertDir'Exists RootCertDir
→∆EXIT If(rc msg)←{(⊃⍵)'Error setting RootCertDir'}LDRC.SetProp'.' 'RootCertDir'RootCertDir
⍝ The following is commented out because it seems the GnuTLS knows to use the operating system's certificate collection even on non-Windows platforms
⍝ :ElseIf ~isWin
⍝ →∆EXIT⊣(rc msg)←¯1 'No RootCertDir spcified'
:If 0∊ServerCertSKI ⍝ no certificate ID specified, check for Cert and Key files
→∆EXIT If(rc msg)←'ServerCertFile'Exists ServerCertFile
→∆EXIT If(rc msg)←'ServerKeyFile'Exists ServerKeyFile
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
cert←⊃LDRC.X509Cert.ReadCertFromFile ServerCertFile
(rc msg)←⎕DMX.EN('Unable to decode ServerCertFile "',(∊⍕ServerCertFile),'" as a certificate')
:ElseIf isWin ⍝ ServerCertSKI only on Windows
:If 0∊certs
→∆EXIT⊣(rc msg)←8 'No certificates found in Microsoft Certificate Store'
inds←1+('id=',ServerCertSKI,';')⎕S{⍵.BlockNum}⍠'Greedy' 0⊢2⊃¨certs.CertOrigin
:If 1≠≢inds
msg←(0 2⍸≢inds)⊃('Certificate with id "',ServerCertSKI,'" was not found in the Microsoft Certificate Store')('There is more than one certificate with Subject Key Identifier "',ServerCertSKI,'" in the Microsoft Certificate Store')
:Else ⍝ ServerCertSKI is defined, but we're not running Windows
→∆EXIT⊣(rc msg)←10 'ServerCertSKI is currently valid only under Windows'
∇ (rc msg)←CheckCodeLocation;root;m;res;tmp;fn;path
(rc msg)←0 ''
:If DYALOG_JARVIS_CODELOCATION≢'' ⍝ environment variable take precedence
:If 0∊CodeLocation
:If 0∊JarvisConfig ⍝ if there's a configuration file, use its folder for CodeLocation
→0⊣(rc msg)←4 'CodeLocation is empty!'
CodeLocation←⊃1 ⎕NPARTS JarvisConfig
:Select ⊃{⎕NC'⍵'}CodeLocation ⍝ need dfn because CodeLocation is a field and will always be nameclass 2
:Case 9 ⍝ reference, just use it
:Case 2 ⍝ variable, could be file path or ⍕ of reference from JarvisConfig
:If 326=⎕DR tmp←{0::⍵ ⋄ '#'≠⊃⍵:⍵ ⋄ ⍎⍵}CodeLocation
:AndIf 9={⎕NC'⍵'}tmp ⋄ CodeLocation←tmp
root←(isRelPath CodeLocation)/_rootFolder
path←∊1 ⎕NPARTS root,CodeLocation
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:If 1=t←1 ⎕NINFO path ⍝ folder?
→0 If(rc msg)←CodeLocation LoadFromFolder path
:ElseIf 2=t ⍝ file?
→0⊣(rc msg)←5('CodeLocation "',(∊⍕CodeLocation),'" is not a folder or script file.')
:Case 22 ⍝ file name error
→0⊣(rc msg)←6('CodeLocation "',(∊⍕CodeLocation),'" was not found.')
:Else ⍝ anything else
→0⊣(rc msg)←7((⎕DMX.(EM,' (',Message,') ')),'occured when validating CodeLocation "',(∊⍕CodeLocation),'"')
→0⊣(rc msg)←5 'CodeLocation is not valid, it should be either a namespace/class reference or a file path'
:For fn :In AppInitFn AppCloseFn ValidateRequestFn AuthenticateFn SessionInitFn~⊂''
:If 3≠CodeLocation.⎕NC fn
msg,←(0∊msg)↓',"CodeLocation.',fn,'" was not found '
→0 If rc←8×~0∊msg
:If ~0∊AppInitFn ⍝ initialization function specified?
:Select ⊃CodeLocation.⎕AT AppInitFn
:Case 1 0 0 ⍝ result-returning niladic?
stopIf DebugLevel 2
res←CodeLocation⍎AppInitFn ⍝ run it
:Case 1 1 0 ⍝ result-returning monadic?
stopIf DebugLevel 2
res←(CodeLocation⍎AppInitFn)⎕THIS ⍝ run it
→0⊣(rc msg)←8('"',(⍕CodeLocation),'.',AppInitFn,'" is not a niladic or monadic result-returning function')
:If 0≠⊃res
→0⊣(rc msg)←2↑res,(≢res)↓¯1('"',(⍕CodeLocation),'.',AppInitFn,'" did not return a 0 return code')
:If ~0∊AppCloseFn ⍝ application close function specified?
:If 1 0 0≢⊃CodeLocation.⎕AT AppCloseFn ⍝ result-returning niladic?
→0⊣(rc msg)←8('"',(⍕CodeLocation),'.',AppCloseFn,'" is not a niladic result-returning function')
Validate←{0} ⍝ dummy validation function
:If ~0∊ValidateRequestFn ⍝ Request validation function specified?
:If ∧/(⊃CodeLocation.⎕AT ValidateRequestFn)∊¨1(1 ¯2)0 ⍝ result-returning monadic or ambivalent?
→0⊣(rc msg)←8('"',(⍕CodeLocation),'.',ValidateRequestFn,'" is not a monadic result-returning function')
Authenticate←{0} ⍝ dummy authentication function
:If ~0∊AuthenticateFn ⍝ authentication function specified?
:If ∧/(⊃CodeLocation.⎕AT AuthenticateFn)∊¨1(1 ¯2)0 ⍝ result-returning monadic or ambivalent?
→0⊣(rc msg)←8('"',(⍕CodeLocation),'.',AuthenticateFn,'" is not a monadic result-returning function')
∇ (rc msg)←Setup
⍝ perform final setup before starting server
(rc msg)←0 ''
Paradigm←uc Paradigm
:Select Paradigm
:Case 'JSON'
:Case 'REST'
:If 2>≢RESTMethods
(rc msg)←¯1 'Invalid paradigm'
Exists←{0:: ¯1 (,' "',⍵,'" is not a valid folder name.') ⋄ ⎕NEXISTS ⍵:0 '' ⋄ ¯1 (,' "',⍵,'" was not found.')}
∇ (rc msg)←StartServer;r;cert;secureParams;accept;deny;mask;certs;options
msg←'Unable to start server'
accept←'Accept'ipRanges AcceptFrom
deny←'Deny'ipRanges DenyFrom
→∆EXIT If⊃(rc msg secureParams)←CreateSecureParams
{}LDRC.SetProp'.' 'EventMode' 1 ⍝ report Close/Timeout as events
:If 3.3≤CongaVersion ⍝ can we set DecodeBuffers at server creation?
options←⊂'Options' 5 ⍝ DecodeBuffers + WSAutoAccept
:If 3.4≤CongaVersion ⍝ DOSLimit support started with v3.4
:AndIf DOSLimit≠¯1 ⍝ not using Conga's default value
:If 0≠⊃LDRC.SetProp'.' 'DOSLimit'DOSLimit
→∆EXIT⊣(rc msg)←¯1 'Invalid DOSLimit setting: ',∊⍕DOSLimit
_connections.index←2 0'' 0 ⍝ row-oriented for faster lookup
:If 0=rc←1⊃r←LDRC.Srv ServerName''Port'http'BufferSize,secureParams,accept,deny,options
:If 3.3>CongaVersion
{}LDRC.SetProp ServerName'FIFOMode' 0 ⍝ deprecated in Conga v3.2
{}LDRC.SetProp ServerName'DecodeBuffers' 15 ⍝ 15 ⍝ decode all buffers
{}LDRC.SetProp ServerName'WSFeatures' 1 ⍝ auto accept WS requests
:If 0∊Hostname ⍝ if Host hasn't been set, set it to the default
Hostname←'http',(~Secure)↓'s://',(2 ⎕NQ'.' 'TCPGetHostID'),((~Port∊80 443)/':',⍕Port),'/'
(rc msg)←RunServer
Log msg←'Error ',(⍕rc),' creating server',(rc∊98 10048)/': port ',(⍕Port),' is already in use' ⍝ 98=Linux, 10048=Windows
∇ (rc msg)←RunServer;thread
:If (⊂thread)∊'' 'auto'
:If InTerm ⍝ do we have an interactive terminal?
:Select thread
:Case ,'0' ⍝ Run in thread 0
(rc msg)←Server''
:Case ,'1' ⍝ Run in non-0 thread, use ⎕TSYNC
(rc msg)←⎕TSYNC _serverThread←Server&⍬
:Case 'debug'
(rc msg)←0 'Server started'
(rc msg)←¯1 'Invalid setting for DYALOG_JARVIS_THREAD'
∇ {r}←Server arg;wres;rc;obj;evt;data;ref;ip;msg;tmp;conx
(_started _stopped)←1 0
:While ~_stop
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
wres←LDRC.Wait ServerName WaitTimeout ⍝ Wait for WaitTimeout before timing out
⍝ wres: (return code) (object name) (command) (data)
(rc obj evt data)←4↑wres
:Select rc
:Case 0
:Select evt
:Case 'Error'
_stop←ServerName≡obj ⍝ if we got an error on the server itself, signal to stop
:If 0≠4⊃wres
Log'Server: DRC.Wait reported error ',(⍕4⊃wres),' on ',(2⊃wres),GetIP obj
RemoveConnection conx ⍝ Conga closes object on an Error event
:Case 'Connect'
AddConnection conx
:CaseList 'HTTPHeader' 'HTTPTrailer' 'HTTPChunk' 'HTTPBody'
:If 0≠_connections.⎕NC conx
_taskThreads←⎕TNUMS∩_taskThreads,ref{ HandleRequest ⍵}&wres
Log'Server: Object ''_connections.',conx,''' was not found.'
{0:: ⋄ {}LDRC.Close ⍵}obj
:Case 'Closed'
RemoveConnection conx
:Case 'Timeout'
:Else ⍝ unhandled event
Log'Server: Unhandled Conga event:'
:EndSelect ⍝ evt
:Case 1010 ⍝ Object Not found
:If ~_stop
Log'Server: Object ''',ServerName,''' has been closed - Jarvis shutting down'
Log'Server: Conga wait failed:'
Log wres
:EndSelect ⍝ rc
:Else ⍝ :Trap
Log'*** Server error ',msg←1 ⎕JSON⍠'Compact' 0⊢⎕DMX
r←¯1 msg
r←0 'Server stopped'
:If ~0∊AppCloseFn
⎕TKILL _sessionThread
(_stop _started _stopped)←0 0 1
∇ AddConnection conx
:Hold '_connections'
conx _connections.⎕NS''
(_connections⍎conx).IP←2⊃2⊃LDRC.GetProp obj'PeerAddr'
∇ RemoveConnection conx
:Hold '_connections'
_connections.⎕EX conx
∇ CleanupConnections;conxNames;timedOut;dead;kids;connecting;connected
:If _connections.lastCheck<⎕AI[3]-ConnectionTimeout×1000
:Hold '_connections'
:If ~0∊kids←2 2⊃LDRC.Tree ServerName ⍝ retrieve children of server
⍝ LDRC.Tree
⍝ connecting → status 3 1 - incoming connection
⍝ connected → status 3 4 - connected connection
(connecting connected)←2↑{((2 23 1 3 4)⍪⍵[;2 3]){⊂1↓⍵}⌸'' '',⍵[;1]}↑⊃¨kids
:If /{~0∊⍵}¨connected conxNames
:If ~0∊timedOut
timedOut/⍨←{6::1 ⋄ 0=(_connections⍎⍵).⎕NC⊂'Req'}¨timedOut
dead←(connected~conxNames),timedOut ⍝ (connections not in the index), timed out
{0∊⍵: ⋄ {}LDRC.Close ServerName,'.',⍵}¨dead ⍝ attempt to close them
⍝ remove timed out, or connections that are
_connections.index/⍨←_connections.index[1;]∊_connections.⎕NL ¯9
:Section RequestHandling
∇ r←ErrorInfo
:Trap 0
∇ req←MakeRequest args
⍝ create a request, use MakeRequest '' for interactive debugging
⍝ :Access public ⍝ uncomment for debugging
:If 0∊args
req←⎕NEW Request
req←⎕NEW Request args
req.(Server ErrorInfoLevel)←⎕THIS ErrorInfoLevel
∇ ns HandleRequest req;data;evt;obj;rc;cert;fn
(rc obj evt data)←req ⍝ from Conga.Wait
:Hold obj
:Select evt
:Case 'HTTPHeader'
ns.Req←MakeRequest data
ns.Req.PeerAddr←2⊃2⊃LDRC.GetProp obj'PeerAddr'
:If Secure
(rc cert)←2↑LDRC.GetProp obj'PeerCert'
:If rc=0
ns.Req.PeerCert←'Could not obtain certificate'
:Case 'HTTPBody'
ns.Req.ProcessBody data
:Case 'HTTPChunk'
ns.Req.ProcessChunk data
:Case 'HTTPTrailer'
ns.Req.ProcessTrailer data
:If ns.Req.Complete
:Select lc ns.Req.GetHeader'content-encoding' ⍝ zipped request?
:Case '' ⍝ no encoding
:If ns.Req.Charset≡'utf-8'
ns.Req.Body←'UTF-8'⎕UCS ⎕UCS ns.Req.Body
:Case 'gzip'
ns.Req.Body←⎕UCS 256|¯3 Zipper 83 ⎕DR ns.Req.Body
:Case 'deflate'
ns.Req.Body←⎕UCS 256|¯2 Zipper 83 ⎕DR ns.Req.Body
→resp⊣'Unsupported content-encoding'ns.Req.Fail 400
:If _htmlEnabled∧ns.Req.Response.Status≠200
ns.Req.Response.Headers←1 2'Content-Type' 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
ns.Req.Response.Payload←'<h3>',(⍕ns.Req.Response.((⍕Status),' ',StatusText)),'</h3>'
⍝ Application-specified validation
stopIf DebugLevel 4+2×~0∊ValidateRequestFn
rc←Validate ns.Req
ns.Req.Fail 400×(ns.Req.Response.Status=200)∧0≠rc ⍝ default status 400 if not set by application
→resp If rc≠0
fn RequestHandler ns ⍝ RequestHandler is either HandleJSONRequest or HandleRESTRequest
resp: obj Respond ns
∇ fn HandleJSONRequest ns;payload;resp;valence;nc;debug;file;isGET
→handle If~isGET←'get'≡ns.Req.Method
:If AllowGETs ⍝ if we allow GETs
:AndIf ~'.'∊ns.Req.Endpoint ⍝ and the endpoint doesn't have a '.' (file extension)
→handle If 3=⌊|{0::0 ⋄ CodeLocation.⎕NC⊂⍵}fn ⍝ handle it if there's a matching function for the endpoint
→End If'Request method should be POST'ns.Req.Fail 405×~_htmlEnabled
→handleHtml If~0∊_htmlFolder
ns.Req.Response.Headers←1 2'Content-Type' 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
ns.Req.Response.Payload←'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"><link rel="icon" href="data:,"></head><body><h2>400 Bad Request</h2></body></html>'
→End If'Bad URI'ns.Req.Fail 400×~0∊fn ⍝ either fail with a bad URI or exit if favicon.ico (no-op)
:If 0∊_htmlRootFn
ns.Req.Response.Payload←{1 CodeLocation.(85⌶)_htmlRootFn,' ⍵'}ns.Req
:If (,'/')≡ns.Req.Endpoint
file←∊1 ⎕NPARTS file
file,←(isDir file)/'/',_htmlDefaultPage
→End If ns.Req.Fail 400×~_htmlFolder begins file
:If 0≠ns.Req.Fail 404×~⎕NEXISTS file
→End If 0=Report404InHTML
ns.Req.Response.Headers←1 2'Content-Type' 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
ns.Req.Response.Payload←'<h3>Not found: ',(file↓⍨≢_htmlFolder),'</h3>'
'Content-Type'ns.Req.DefaultHeader ns.Req.ContentTypeForFile file
→End If HandleCORSRequest ns.Req
→End If'No function specified'ns.Req.Fail 400×0∊fn
→End If'Unsupported request method'ns.Req.Fail 405×(⊂ns.Req.Method)(~∊)(~AllowGETs)↓'get' 'post'
→End If'Cannot accept query parameters'ns.Req.Fail 400×AllowGETs⍱0∊ns.Req.QueryParams
:Select ns.Req.ContentType
:Case 'application/json'
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
ns.Req.Payload←{0∊⍵:⍵ ⋄ JSONin ⍵}ns.Req.Body
→End⊣'Could not parse payload as JSON'ns.Req.Fail 400
:Case 'multipart/form-data'
→End If'Content-Type should be "application/json"'ns.Req.Fail 400×~AllowFormData
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
ns.Req.Payload←ParseMultipartForm ns.Req
→End⊣'Could not parse payload as "multipart/form-data"'ns.Req.Fail 400
:Case ''
→End If'No Content-Type specified'ns.Req.Fail 400×~isGET∧AllowGETs
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:If 0∊ns.Req.QueryParams
:ElseIf 1=≢ns.Req.QueryParams ⍝ name/value pairs
ns.Req.Payload←JSONin ns.Req.QueryParams
→0⊣'Could not parse query string as JSON'ns.Req.Fail 400
→0⊣('Content-Type should be "application/json"',AllowFormData/' or "multipart/form-data"')ns.Req.Fail 400
→End If CheckAuthentication ns.Req
→End If('Invalid function "',fn,'"')ns.Req.Fail CheckFunctionName fn
→End If('Invalid function "',fn,'"')ns.Req.Fail 404×3≠⌊|{0::0 ⋄ CodeLocation.⎕NC⊂⍵}fn ⍝ is it a function?
valence←|⊃CodeLocation.⎕AT fn
→End If('"',fn,'" is not a monadic result-returning function')ns.Req.Fail 400×(1 1 0≢×valence)>(0∧.=valence)∧3.3=nc
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:Trap 85
:If (2=valence[2])>3.3=nc ⍝ dyadic and not tacit
stopIf DebugLevel 2
resp←ns.Req{0 CodeLocation.(85⌶)' ',fn,' ⍵'}ns.Req.Payload ⍝ intentional stop for application-level debugging
stopIf DebugLevel 2
resp←{0 CodeLocation.(85⌶)fn,' ⍵'}ns.Req.Payload ⍝ intentional stop for application-level debugging
:Else ⍝ no result from the endpoint
:If 0∊ns.Req.Response.Payload ⍝ no payload?
:AndIf 200=ns.Req.Response.Status ⍝ endpoint did not change the status
→End⊣ns.Req.Fail 204 ⍝ no content
→End⊣ErrorInfo ns.Req.Fail 500
→End If 204=ns.Req.Response.Status
⍝ Exit if
⍝ ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ no response from endpoint,
⍝ and ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ endpoint did not set payload
⍝ and ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ endpoint did not fail the request
→End If(0∊resp)∧(0∊ns.Req.Response.Payload)∧200≠ns.Req.Response.Status
'Content-Type'ns.Req.DefaultHeader DefaultContentType ⍝ set the header if not set
:If /'application/json'⍷ns.Req.(Response.Headers GetHeader'content-type') ⍝ if the response is JSON
ns.Req.Response ToJSON resp ⍝ convert it
:If 0∊ns.Req.Response.Payload
'Content-Length'ns.Req.DefaultHeader 0
∇ formData←ParseMultipartForm req;boundary;body;part;headers;payload;disposition;type;name;filename;tmp
boundary←crlf,'--',req.Boundary ⍝ the HTTP standard prepends '--' to the boundary
body←⊃body splitOnFirst boundary,'--' ⍝ drop off trailing boundary ('--' is appended to the trailing boundary)
:For part :In (crlf,body)splitOn boundary ⍝ split into parts
(headers payload)←part splitOnFirst crlf,crlf
(disposition type)←deb¨2↑headers splitOn crlf
(name filename)←deb¨2↑1↓disposition splitOn';'
name←'"'~⍨2⊃name splitOn'='
:If {¯1=⎕NC ⍵}name
→0⊣'Invalid form field name for Jarvis'req.Fail 400
filename←'"'~⍨2⊃2↑filename splitOn'='
tmp.(Name Filename)←name filename
tmp.Content_Type←deb 2⊃2↑type splitOn':'
:If 0=formData.⎕NC name ⋄ formData{⍺⍎⍵,'←⍬'}name ⋄ :EndIf
∇ fn HandleRESTRequest ns;ind;exec;valence;ct;resp
→0 If HandleCORSRequest ns.Req
→0 If CheckAuthentication ns.Req
:If ParsePayload
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:Select ns.Req.ContentType
:Case 'application/json'
ns.Req.Payload←JSONin ns.Req.Body
:Case 'application/xml'
ns.Req.(Payload←⎕XML Body)
→0⊣('Unable to parse request body as ',ct)ns.Req.Fail 400
→0 If ns.Req.Fail 405×(≢RESTMethods)<ind
→0 If ns.Req.Fail 501×0∊exec
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:Trap 85
stopIf DebugLevel 2
resp←{1 CodeLocation.(85⌶)exec,' ⍵'}ns.Req ⍝ intentional stop for application-level debugging
→0⊣ns.Req.Fail 500
→0 If 2≠⌊0.01×ns.Req.Response.Status
:If (ns.Req.(Response.Headers GetHeader'content-type')≡'')∧~0∊DefaultContentType
'content-type'ns.Req.SetHeader DefaultContentType
:If 'application/json'match⊃';'(≠⊆⊢)ns.Req.(Response.Headers GetHeader'content-type')
ns.Req.Response ToJSON resp
∇ r←HandleCORSRequest req;origin;reflect
→0 If~EnableCORS
→0 If 0∊origin←req.GetHeader'Origin' ⍝ CORS requests have an Origin header
reflect←{(1+(,)≡,1)⊃⍺ ⍵} ⍝ if CORS_xxx setting is 1, reflect the request's value
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin'req.DefaultHeader CORS_Origin reflect origin
→0 If~req.Method≡'options' ⍝ OPTIONS (with an Origin header) indicates a "pre-flighted" CORS request
→0 If 0∊req.GetHeader'Access-Control-Request-Method' ⍝
'Access-Control-Allow-Methods'req.DefaultHeader CORS_Methods reflect req.GetHeader'Access-Control-Request-Method'
'Access-Control-Allow-Headers'req.DefaultHeader CORS_Headers reflect req.GetHeader'Access-Control-Request-Headers'
req.SetStatus 204 ⍝ No Content
∇ response ToJSON data
⍝ convert APL response payload to JSON
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
response.Payload←⎕UCS SafeJSON JSONout data
'Could not format result payload as JSON'ns.Req.Fail 500
∇ w←SafeJSON w;i;c;⎕IO
⍝ Convert Unicode chars to \uXXXX
→0⍨0∊i←⍸127<c←⎕UCS w
w[i]←{⊂'\u','0123456789ABCDEF'[16 16 16 16⍵]}¨c[i]
∇ r←CheckAuthentication req
⍝ Check request authentication
⍝ r is 0 if request processing can continue
:If 0=DoAuthentication req ⍝ might still want to do some authentication
:If 0≠SessionTimeout ⍝ using sessions?
:If 0≠CheckSession req ⍝ session is still valid?
CreateSession req
∇ rc←DoAuthentication req;debug;old
⍝ rc is 0 if either no authentication is required or authentication succeeds
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
stopIf DebugLevel 2×~0∊AuthenticateFn
rc←Authenticate req ⍝ intentional stop for application-level debugging
:If rc≠0
req.Fail 401
:If HTTPAuthentication match'basic'
'WWW-Authenticate'req.SetHeader'Basic realm="Jarvis", charset="UTF-8"'
:Else ⍝ Authenticate errored
(⎕DMX.EM,' occured during authentication')req.Fail 500
∇ obj Respond ns;status;z;res;close;conx
res.Headers⍪←'Date'(2⊃LDRC.GetProp'.' 'HttpDate')
conx←lc ns.Req.GetHeader'connection'
close←2≠⌊0.01×res.Status ⍝ close the connection on non-2XX status
UseZip ContentEncode ns.Req
:Select 1⊃z←LDRC.Send obj(status,res.Headers res.Payload)close
:Case 0 ⍝ everything okay, nothing to do
:Case 1008 ⍝ Wrong object class likely caused by socket being closed during the request
⍝ do nothing for now
Log'Respond: Conga error when sending response',GetIP obj
∇ UseZip ContentEncode req;enc
→End If 0=UseZip ⍝ is zipping enabled?
→End If 0∊enc←req.AcceptEncodings ⍝ does the client accept zipped responses?
:If UseZip≤≢req.Response.Payload ⍝ payload exceeds size threshhold?
:Select ⊃enc
:Case 'gzip'
:Trap 0
req.Response.Payload←2⊃3 ZipLevel Zipper sint req.Response.Payload
Log'ContentEncode: gzip content-encoding failed'
:Case 'deflate'
:Trap 0
req.Response.Payload←2⊃2 ZipLevel Zipper sint req.Response.Payload
Log'ContentEncode: deflate content-encoding failed'
Log'ContentEncode: unsupported content-encoding - ',⊃enc ⍝ this should NEVER happen
:EndSection ⍝ Request Handling
∇ ip←GetIP objname
ip←{6::'' ⋄ ' (IP Address ',(⍕(_connections⍎⍵).IP),')'}objname
∇ r←CheckFunctionName fn
⍝ checks the requested function name and returns
⍝ 0 if the function is allowed
⍝ 404 (not found) either the function name does not exist, is not in IncludeFns (if defined), is in ExcludeFns (if defined)
:Access public
:If 1<|≡fn
→0 If r←404×fn∊AppInitFn AppCloseFn ValidateRequestFn AuthenticateFn SessionInitFn
:If ~0∊_includeRegex
→0 If r←404×0∊(_includeRegex ⎕S'%')fn
:If ~0∊_excludeRegex
r←404×~0∊(_excludeRegex ⎕S'%')fn
:class Request
:Field Public Instance AcceptEncodings←''⍝ content-encodings that the client will accept
:Field Public Instance Boundary←'' ⍝ boundary for content-type 'multipart/form-data'
:Field Public Instance Charset←'' ⍝ content charset (defaults to 'utf-8' if content-type is application/json)
:Field Public Instance Complete←0 ⍝ do we have a complete request?
:Field Public Instance ContentType←'' ⍝ content-type header value
:Field Public Instance Cookies←0 2⊂'' ⍝ cookie name/value pairs
:Field Public Instance Input←''
:Field Public Instance Headers←0 2⊂'' ⍝ HTTPRequest header fields (plus any supplied from HTTPTrailer event)
:Field Public Instance Method←'' ⍝ HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, etc)
:Field Public Instance Endpoint←'' ⍝ Requested URI
:Field Public Instance Body←'' ⍝ body of the request
:Field Public Instance Payload←'' ⍝ parsed (if JSON or XML) payload
:Field Public Instance PeerAddr←'unknown'⍝ client IP address
:Field Public Instance PeerCert←0 0⊂'' ⍝ client certificate
:Field Public Instance HTTPVersion←''
:Field Public Instance ErrorInfoLevel←1
:Field Public Instance Response
:Field Public Instance Server
:Field Public Instance Session←⍬
:Field Public Instance QueryParams←0 20
:Field Public Instance UserID←''
:Field Public Instance Password←''
:Field Public Shared HttpStatus←↑(200 'OK')(201 'Created')(204 'No Content')(301 'Moved Permanently')(302 'Found')(303 'See Other')(304 'Not Modified')(305 'Use Proxy')(307 'Temporary Redirect')(400 'Bad Request')(401 'Unauthorized')(403 'Forbidden')(404 'Not Found')(405 'Method Not Allowed')(406 'Not Acceptable')(408 'Request Timeout')(409 'Conflict')(410 'Gone')(411 'Length Required')(412 'Precondition Failed')(413 'Request Entity Too Large')(414 'Request-URI Too Long')(415 'Unsupported Media Type')(500 'Internal Server Error')(501 'Not Implemented')(503 'Service Unavailable')
⍝ Content types for common file extensions
:Field Public Shared ContentTypes←18 2'txt' 'text/plain' 'htm' 'text/html' 'html' 'text/html' 'css' 'text/css' 'xml' 'text/xml' 'svg' 'image/svg+xml' 'json' 'application/json' 'zip' 'application/x-zip-compressed' 'csv' 'text/csv' 'pdf' 'application/pdf' 'mp3' 'audio/mpeg' 'pptx' 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation' 'js' 'application/javascript' 'png' 'image/png' 'jpg' 'image/jpeg' 'bmp' 'image/bmp' 'jpeg' 'image/jpeg' 'woff' 'application/font-woff'
split←{p←(⍺⍷⍵)1 ⋄ ((p-1)↑⍵)(p↓⍵)} ⍝ Split ⍵ on first occurrence of
deb←{{1↓¯1↓⍵/⍨~' '⍷⍵}' ',⍵,' '}
∇ {r}←{message}Fail status
⍝ Set HTTP response status code and message if status≠0
:Access public
:If r←0≠1↑status
:If 0=⎕NC'message'
:If 500=status
message←'' ⋄ :EndIf
message SetStatus status
∇ make
⍝ barebones constructor for interactive debugging (use Jarvis.MakeRequest '')
:Access public
:Implements constructor
∇ make1 args;query;origin;length;param;value;type
⍝ args is the result of Conga HTTPHeader event
:Access public
:Implements constructor
(Method Input HTTPVersion Headers)←args
Headers[;1]←lc Headers[;1] ⍝ header names are case insensitive
Method←lc Method
(ContentType param)←deb¨2↑(';'(≠⊆⊢)GetHeader'content-type'),⊂''
ContentType←lc ContentType
(type value)←2↑⊆deb¨'='(≠⊆⊢)param
:Select lc type
:Case '' ⍝ no parameter set
:Case 'charset'
Charset←lc value
:Case 'boundary'
Cookies←ParseCookies Headers
AcceptEncodings←ParseEncodings GetHeader'accept-encoding'
(Endpoint query)←'?'split Input
:Trap 11 ⍝ trap domain error on possible bad UTF-8 sequence
Endpoint←URLDecode Endpoint
QueryParams←ParseQueryString query
:If 'basic '≡lc 6↑auth←GetHeader'authorization'
(UserID Password)←':'split Base64Decode 6↓auth
Complete←1 ⍝ mark as complete
Fail 400 ⍝ 400 = bad request
Complete←('get'≡Method)∧0=⊃⊃(//)⎕VFI length ⍝ we're a GET and there's no content-length or content-length=0
Complete←(0∊length)>/'chunked'⍷GetHeader'transfer-encoding' ⍝ or no length supplied and we're not chunked
∇ makeResponse
⍝ create the response namespace
Response.(Status StatusText Payload)←200 'OK' ''
Response.Headers←0 2'' ''
∇ ProcessBody args
:Access public
∇ ProcessChunk args
:Access public
⍝ args is [1] chunk content [2] chunk-extension name/value pairs (which we don't expect and won't process)
∇ ProcessTrailer args;inds;mask
:Access public
args[;1]←lc args[;1]
∇ r←Hostname;h
:Access public
:If ~0∊h←GetHeader'host'
∇ params←ParseQueryString query
params←0 2⊂''
:If '='∊query ⍝ contains name=value?
params←URLDecode query
∇ r←ParseEncodings encodings
r←(⎕C(⊃¨';'(≠⊆⊢)¨','(≠⊆⊢)encodings~' '))∩'gzip' 'deflate'
∇ cookies←ParseCookies headers;cookieHeader;cookie
:Access public shared
cookies←0 2⊂''
:For cookieHeader :In (headers[;1]≡¨⊂'cookie')/headers[;2]
:For cookie :In (({⍵↓⍨+/∧\' '=⍵}⌽)⍣2)¨';'(≠⊆⊢)cookieHeader
∇ r←URLDecode r;rgx;rgxu;i;j;z;t;m;⎕IO;lens;fill
:Access public shared
⍝ Decode a Percent Encoded string
((r='+')/r)←' '
rgxu←'%[uU]',(4×rgx)rgx ⍝ 4 characters
r←(rgxu ⎕R{{⎕UCS 16⊥⍉16|'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef'⍳⍵}2↓⍵.Match})r
:If 0≠i←(r='%')/r
:AndIf 0≠i←(i≤¯2+r)/i
z←r[j←i∘.+1 2]
t←'UTF-8'⎕UCS 16⊥⍉16|'0123456789ABCDEF0123456789abcdef'z
lens←⊃∘¨'UTF-8'∘⎕UCS¨t ⍝ UTF-8 is variable length encoding
m←(r)1 ⋄ m[(,j),i~fill]←0
base64←{⎕IO ⎕ML←0 1 ⍝ from dfns workspace - Base64 encoding and decoding as used in MIME.
bits←{,⍉(2)⊤⍵} ⍝ encode each element of ⍵ in bits, and catenate them all together
part←{((⍴⍵)↑1)⊂⍵} ⍝ partition ⍵ into chunks of length
0=2|⎕DR ⍵:2∘⊥∘(8∘↑)¨8 part{(-8|⍴⍵)↓⍵}6 bits{(⍵≠64)/⍵}chars⍵ ⍝ decode a string into octets
four←{ ⍝ use 4 characters to encode either
8=⍴⍵:'=='∇ ⍵,0 0 0 0 ⍝ 1,
16=⍴⍵:'='∇ ⍵,0 0 ⍝ 2
chars[2∘⊥¨6 part ⍵], ⍝ or 3 octets of input
cats←⊃∘(,/)∘((⊂'')∘,) ⍝ catenate zero or more strings
cats''∘four¨24 part 8 bits ⍵
∇ r←{cpo}Base64Encode w
⍝ Base64 Encode
⍝ Optional cpo (code points only) suppresses UTF-8 translation
⍝ if w is numeric (single byte integer), skip any conversion
:Access public shared
:If 83=⎕DR w ⋄ r←base64 w
:ElseIf 0=⎕NC'cpo' ⋄ r←base64'UTF-8'⎕UCS w
:Else ⋄ r←base64 ⎕UCS w
∇ r←{cpo}Base64Decode w
⍝ Base64 Decode
⍝ Optional cpo (code points only) suppresses UTF-8 translation
:Access public shared
:If 0=⎕NC'cpo' ⋄ r←'UTF-8'⎕UCS base64 w
:Else ⋄ r←⎕UCS base64 w
∇ r←{table}GetHeader name
:Access Public Instance
:If 0=⎕NC'table' ⋄ table←Headers ⋄ :EndIf
table[;1]←lc table[;1]
r←(lc name)GetFromTable table
∇ name DefaultHeader value
:Access public instance
:If 0∊Response.Headers GetHeader name
name SetHeader value
∇ r←{endpoint}MakeURI resource
:Access public instance
⍝ make a URI for a RESTful resource relative to the request endpoint
:If 0≠⎕NC'endpoint'
∇ r←ErrorInfo
:Trap 0
∇ {(name value)}←name SetHeader value
:Access Public Instance
∇ {(name cookie)}←name SetCookie cookie
:Access public instance
⍝ create a response "set-cookie" header
⍝ cookie is the cookie value followed by any ;-delimited attributes
'set-cookie'SetHeader name,'=',cookie
∇ {(name value)}←SetContentType contentType
:Access public instance
⍝ shortcut function to set the response content-type header
(name value)←'Content-Type'SetHeader contentType
∇ value←GetCookie name
:Access public instance
⍝ retrieve a request cookie
∇ {status}←{statusText}SetStatus status
:Access public instance
:If status≠0
:If 0=⎕NC'statusText' ⋄ statusText←'' ⋄ :EndIf
statusText←{0∊⍵:⍵ ⋄ '('=⊣/⍵:⍵ ⋄ '(',⍵,')'}statusText
statusText←deb((HttpStatus[;1]status)⊃HttpStatus[;2],⊂''),' ',statusText
Response.(Status StatusText)←status statusText
∇ r←ContentTypeForFile filename;ext
:Access public instance
ext←⊂1↓3⊃⎕NPARTS filename
r,←('text/html'≡r)/'; charset=utf-8'
:Section SessionHandler
∇ InitSessions
⍝ initialize session handling
:If 0≠SessionTimeout ⍝ are we using sessions?
_sessionsInfo←0 50 ⍝ [;1] id, [;2] IP address, [;3] creation time, [;4] last active time, [;5] ref to session
:If 0<SessionTimeout ⍝ is there a timeout set? 0> means no timeout and sessions are managed by the application
∇ SessionMonitor timeout;expired;dead
:If 0<≢_sessionsInfo
:Hold 'Sessions'
:If /expired←SessionTimeout IsExpired _sessionsInfo[;4] ⍝ any expired?
⍝ ↓↓↓ if a session expires, remove the namespace from _sessions
⍝ but leave the entry in _sessionsInfo (removing the namespace reference)
⍝ so that we can report to the user that his session timed out
⍝ if he returns before SessionCleanupTime passes
_sessions~←expired/_sessionsInfo[;5] ⍝ remove from sessions list
(expired/_sessionsInfo[;5])←0 ⍝ remove reference from _sessionsInfo
⍝ ↓↓↓ SessionCleanupTime is used to clean up _sessionsInfo after a session has expired
⍝ In general SessionCleanupTime should be set to a value ≥ SessionTimeout
:If /dead←(0=_sessionsInfo[;5])∧SessionCleanupTime IsExpired _sessionsInfo[;4] ⍝ any expired sessions need their info removed?
_sessionsInfo⌿⍨←~dead ⍝ remove from _sessionsInfo
{}⎕DL timeout×60
MakeSessionId←{⎕IO←0 ⋄((0(819⌶)⎕A),⎕A,⎕D)[(?2062),5↑1↓⎕TS]}
IsExpired←{≤0: 0 ⋄ (Now-⍵)>(×60000)÷86400000}
∇ r←DateToIDNX ts
⍝ Date to IDN eXtended (will be replaced by ⎕DT when ⎕DT is in the latest 3 versions of Dyalog APL)
r←(2 ⎕NQ'.' 'DateToIDN'(3↑ts))+(0 60 60 1000⊥¯4↑7↑ts)÷86400000
∇ CreateSession req;ref;now;id;ts;rc
:Hold 'Sessions'
_sessionsInfo⍪←id req.PeerAddr now now ref
:If ~0∊SessionInitFn
:If 3=CodeLocation.⎕NC SessionInitFn
:Trap 0 DebugLevel 1
:Trap 85
stopIf DebugLevel 2
rc←SessionInitFn CodeLocation.{1(85⌶),' ⍵'}req
:Else ⋄ rc←0
:If 0≠rc
(_sessions _sessionsInfo)←¯1↓¨_sessions _sessionsInfo
→0⊣('Session intialization returned ',⍕rc)req.Fail 500
→0⊣(⎕DMX.EM,' occurred during session initialization failed')req.Fail 500
→0⊣('Session initialization function "',SessionInitFn,'" not found')req.Fail 500
:If SessionUseCookie
SessionIdHeader req.SetCookie id,(SessionTimeout>0)/'; Max-Age=',⍕⌈60×SessionTimeout
SessionIdHeader req.SetHeader id
∇ r←KillSession id;ind
⍝ forcibly kill a session
⍝ r is 1 if session was killed, 0 if not found
:Hold 'Sessions'
:If r←(≢_sessionsInfo)≥ind←_sessionsInfo[;1]⊆id
∇ req TimeoutSession ind
⍝ assumes :Hold 'Sessions' is set in calling environment
⍝ removes session from _sessions and marks it as time out in _sessionsInfo
∇ id←GetSessionId req
:If SessionUseCookie
id←req.GetCookie SessionIdHeader
id←req.GetHeader SessionIdHeader
∇ r←CheckSession req;ind;session;timedOut;id
⍝ check for valid session (only called if SessionTimeout≠0)
:Hold 'Sessions'
id←GetSessionId req
:If 0∊session←⊃_sessionsInfo[ind;5] ⍝ already timed out (session was already removed from _sessions)
:OrIf SessionTimeout IsExpired _sessionsInfo[ind;4] ⍝ newly expired
req TimeoutSession ind
⍝ we have a valid session, refresh the cookie or set the header
:If SessionUseCookie
SessionIdHeader req.SetCookie id,(SessionTimeout>0)/'; Max-Age=',⍕⌈60×SessionTimeout
SessionIdHeader req.SetHeader id
:Section Utilities
If←((0≠⊃)⊢)⍴⊣ ⍝ test for 0 return
isChar←{0 2∊⍨10|⎕DR ⍵}
toChar←{(⎕DR'')⎕DR ⍵}
stripQuotes←{'""'≡2↑¯1⌽⍵:¯1↓1↓⍵ ⋄ ⍵} ⍝ strip leading and ending "
deb←{{1↓¯1↓⍵/⍨~' '⍷⍵}' ',⍵,' '} ⍝ delete extraneous blanks
dlb←{⍵↓⍨+/∧\' '=⍵} ⍝ delete leading blanks
lc←0∘(819⌶) ⍝ lower case
uc←1∘(819⌶) ⍝ upper case
nameClass←{⎕NC⊂,'⍵'} ⍝ name class of argument
nocase←{(lc ) lc ⍵} ⍝ case insensitive operator
begins←{⍺≡()↑⍵} ⍝ does begin with ⍵?
ends←{⍺≡(-≢⍺)↑⍵} ⍝ does end with ⍵?
match←{ (≡nocase) ⍵} ⍝ case insensitive ≡
sins←{0∊:⍵ ⋄ } ⍝ set if not set
stopIf←{1∊⍵:-⎕TRAP←0 'C' '⎕←''Stopped for debugging... (Press Ctrl-Enter)''' ⋄ shy←0} ⍝ faster alternative to setting ⎕STOP
show←{(2⊃⎕SI),'[',(⍕2⊃⎕LC),'] ',⍵} ⍝ debugging utility
utf8←{3=10|⎕DR ⍵: 256|⍵ ⋄ 'UTF-8' ⎕UCS ⍵}
fromutf8←{0::(⎕AV,'?')[⎕AVU⍵] ⋄ 'UTF-8'⎕UCS ⍵} ⍝ Turn raw UTF-8 input into text
sint←{⎕IO←0 ⋄ 83=⎕DR ⍵:⍵ ⋄ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 ¯128 ¯127 ¯126 ¯125 ¯124 ¯123 ¯122 ¯121 ¯120 ¯119 ¯118 ¯117 ¯116 ¯115 ¯114 ¯113 ¯112 ¯111 ¯110 ¯109 ¯108 ¯107 ¯106 ¯105 ¯104 ¯103 ¯102 ¯101 ¯100 ¯99 ¯98 ¯97 ¯96 ¯95 ¯94 ¯93 ¯92 ¯91 ¯90 ¯89 ¯88 ¯87 ¯86 ¯85 ¯84 ¯83 ¯82 ¯81 ¯80 ¯79 ¯78 ¯77 ¯76 ¯75 ¯74 ¯73 ¯72 ¯71 ¯70 ¯69 ¯68 ¯67 ¯66 ¯65 ¯64 ¯63 ¯62 ¯61 ¯60 ¯59 ¯58 ¯57 ¯56 ¯55 ¯54 ¯53 ¯52 ¯51 ¯50 ¯49 ¯48 ¯47 ¯46 ¯45 ¯44 ¯43 ¯42 ¯41 ¯40 ¯39 ¯38 ¯37 ¯36 ¯35 ¯34 ¯33 ¯32 ¯31 ¯30 ¯29 ¯28 ¯27 ¯26 ¯25 ¯24 ¯23 ¯22 ¯21 ¯20 ¯19 ¯18 ¯17 ¯16 ¯15 ¯14 ¯13 ¯12 ¯11 ¯10 ¯9 ¯8 ¯7 ¯6 ¯5 ¯4 ¯3 ¯2 ¯1[utf8 ⍵]}
∇ r←DyalogRoot
r←{⍵,('/\'∊⍨⊢/⍵)↓'/'}{0∊t←2 ⎕NQ'.' 'GetEnvironment' 'DYALOG':⊃1 ⎕NPARTS⊃2 ⎕NQ'.' 'GetCommandLineArgs' ⋄ t}''
∇ r←MyAddr
:Access public shared
:Trap 0
r←2 ⎕NQ #'TCPGetHostID'
∇ r←crlf
r←⎕UCS 13 10
∇ QuadOFF
⍝ cover for ⎕OFF in case we want to add debugging
∇ r←Now
r←DateToIDNX ⎕TS
∇ r←InTerm;system
:Access Public Shared
⍝ determine if interactive terminal is available
→0⍨r←~0∊2 ⎕NQ'.' 'GetEnvironment' 'RIDE_INIT'
→0⍨r←'Win' 'Dev'≡system←3↑¨(⊂1 4)⌷'.'⎕WG'APLVersion'
r←('Lin' 'Dev'≡system)∧{0::0 ⋄ 1⊣⎕SH'test -t 0'}''
∇ r←fmtTS ts
r←,'G⊂9999/99/99 @ 99:99:99⊃'⎕FMT 100⊥6↑ts
∇ r←a splitOn w
⍝ split a where w occurs (removing w from the result)
∇ r←a splitOnFirst w
⍝ split a on first occurence of w (removing w from the result)
∇ r←type ipRanges string;ranges
:Select ≢ranges←{('.'∊¨⍵){⊂1↓∊',',¨⍵}⌸⍵}string splitOn','
:Case 0
:Case 1
r←,⊂((1+'.'∊⊃ranges)⊃'IPV6' 'IPV4')(⊃ranges)
:Case 2
r←↓'IPV4' 'IPV6',⍪ranges
r←⊂(('Accept' 'Deny'⊂type)⊃'AllowEndPoints' 'DenyEndPoints')r
∇ r←isWin
⍝ are we running under Windows?
∇ r←isRelPath w
⍝ is path w a relative path?
∇ r←isDir path
⍝ is path a directory?
r←{22::0 ⋄ 1=1 ⎕NINFO ⍵}path
∇ r←SourceFile;class
:If 0∊r←4⊃5179⌶class←⊃∊⎕CLASS ⎕THIS
r←{6::'' ⋄ ∊1 ⎕NPARTS ⍵⍎'SALT_Data.SourceFile'}class
∇ r←makeRegEx w
:Access public shared
⍝ convert a simple search using ? and * to regex
{'^',(⍵~'^$'),'$'}{¯1=⎕NC('A'@(∊∘'?*'))r←⍵:('/'=⊣/⍵)↓(¯1×'/'=⊢/⍵)↓⍵ ⍝ already regex? (remove leading/trailing '/'
r←∊(⊂'\.')@('.'=⊢)r ⍝ escape any periods
r←'.'@('?'=⊢)r ⍝ ? → .
r←∊(⊂'\/')@('/'=⊢)r ⍝ / → \/
∊(⊂'.*')@('*'=⊢)r ⍝ * → .*
}⍵ ⍝ add start and end of string markers
∇ (rc msg)←{root}LoadFromFolder path;type;name;nsName;parts;ns;files;folders;file;folder;ref;r;m;findFiles;pattern
:Access public
⍝ Loads an APL "project" folder
(rc msg)←0 ''
root←{6::⍵ ⋄ root}#
(names type hidden)←0 1 6(⎕NINFO⍠1)∊1 ⎕NPARTS path,'/',⍵
:For pattern :In ','(≠⊆⊢)LoadableFiles
files,←findFiles pattern
(names type hidden)←0 1 6(⎕NINFO⍠1)∊1 ⎕NPARTS path,'/*'
:For file :In files
:Trap 11
2(root ⍙FIX)'file://',file
msg,←'Unable to load file: ',file,⎕UCS 13
:For folder :In folders
nsName←2⊃1 ⎕NPARTS folder
:Select root.⎕NC⊂nsName
:Case 9.1 ⍝ namespace
:Case 0 ⍝ not defined
ref←⍎nsName root.⎕NS''
:Else ⍝ oops
msg,←'"',folder,'" cannot be mapped to a valid namespace name',⎕UCS 13
:If ref≢0
(r m)←ref LoadFromFolder folder
∇ {r}←{larg}(ref ⍙FIX)rarg;isArrayNotation;t;f;p
⍝ ⎕FIX cover that accommodates Array Notation and .apla files
⍝ revert to using ⎕FIX when it supports them
larg←{6::⍵ ⋄ larg}1
isArrayNotation←{~0 2∊⍨10|⎕DR ⍵:0 ⋄ {(⊃⍵)∊d←'[''¯.⊂⎕⍬',⎕D:1 ⋄ (2⊃2↑⍵)∊d,'( '}(∊⍵)~⎕UCS 9 32}
:Trap 0
:If 1=≡rarg
:AndIf 'file://'≡7↑rarg
:AndIf '.apla'≡lc⊃⌽p←⎕NPARTS f←7↓rarg
:If larg=2
r←ref⍎(2⊃p),'←',0 Deserialise⊃⎕NGET f
r←ref⍎0 Deserialise⊃⎕NGET f
:ElseIf isArrayNotation 1↓∊(⎕UCS 13),¨⊆rarg
r←ref⍎0 Deserialise rarg
r←larg ref.⎕FIX rarg
⎕SIGNAL⊂t,⍪⎕DMX⍎1⌽')(',∊⍕t←'EN' 'EM' 'Message'
⍝ copied (and modified to work here) from
⍝ Convert text to array
⍺←⍬ ⍝ 1=execute expression; 0=return expression
Char←0 2∊⍨10|⎕DR
Null←∧/⎕NULL≡¨⊢ ⍝ can't use ∧.= because = is pervasive on deep arrays
sysVars←'⎕CT' '⎕DIV' '⎕IO' '⎕ML' '⎕PP' '⎕RL' '⎕RTL' '⎕WX' '⎕USING' '⎕AVU' '⎕DCT' '⎕FR'
execute←FirstNum ,1
caller←FirstNs ,⊃⎕RSI
SEP←'⋄',⎕UCS 10 13
Unquot←{( ⍵)×~≠\q=⍵}
SepMask←∊∘SEP Unquot
Over←{(⍵⍵ )(⍵⍵ ⍵)}
EachIfAny←{0=≢⍵:⍵ ⋄ ⍺⍺¨⍵}
EachNonempty←{ EachIfAny Over((×≢¨⍵~¨' ')/⊢)⍵}
(2≤≢⍵)>/¯1↓bot: SubParse ⍵
p←bot×SepMask ⍵
/p:∊{1=≢⍵:',⊂',⍵ ⋄ ⍵}(Paren ∇)EachNonempty Over(p Split)⍵
ErrIfEmpty←{⍵⊣'Array doesn''t have a prototype'⎕SIGNAL 11/⍨(0=≢⍵)}
('})]'⍳⊃⌽⍵)≠('{(['⍳⊃⍵):'Bad bracketing'⎕SIGNAL 2
(a w)←(1↓¯1∘↓)¨(-1)⍵
'['=⊃⍵:Paren'{⎕ML←1⋄↑⍵}1/¨',Paren ErrIfEmpty a Parse w ⍝ high-rank
':'∊⍵/⍨(1=)×~≠\q=⍵:a Namespace w ⍝ ns
'('=⊃⍵:Paren{⍵,'⎕NS⍬'/⍨0=≢⍵}a Parse w ⍝ vector/empty ns
⍵ ⍝ dfn
SysVar←(L sysVars)∊⍨' '~¨⍨L∘⊆
1≥≢(c↓⍵)~' ':'Missing value'⎕SIGNAL 6
(SysVar⍱¯1≠⎕NC)name:'Invalid name'⎕SIGNAL 2
name(name,'←', Parse Over((c+1)↓⊢)⍵)
p←(0=)×SepMask ⍵
(names assns)←↓⍉↑⍺ ParseLine EachNonempty Over(p Split)⍵
quadMask←SysVar names
∊'({'(assns,¨'⋄')quadAssns'⎕NS'('(, '∘,¨q,¨names,¨⊂q')')'}⍬)'
Execute←{ ⍝ overcome LIMIT ERROR on more than 4096 parenthesised expressions
ExecuteEach←{ ⍝ split at level-1 parentheses and execute each
l←(t=¯1)++\t←{1 ¯1 0['()'⍳⍵]}Unquot ⍵ ⍝ parenthesis type and level
(h x t l)←(1 0 0 0=⊂∧\l=0)/¨⍵ ⍵ t l ⍝ extract header before first opening parenthesis
{0::0 ⋄ r←⍎⍵ ⋄ ~(⊃⎕NC'r')∊3 4}h:⍺⍎⍵ ⍝ header must be an functional expression
H←{⍺⍺⍎⍵⍵,'⍵'}h ⍝ function to apply header to array
' '.≠(l=0)/x:⍺⍎⍵ ⍝ something outside level-1 parentheses - must fall back to ⍎
x←(((l>0)∧(l≠1)(t=0))×+\(t=1)∧(l=1))⊆x ⍝ cut expression within level-1 parentheses
1=≢x:H ∇⊃x ⍝ single expression : don't enclose with ¨
DEBUG∧1<⌈/l:H ∇¨x ⍝ force going through the hard code
10::H ∇¨x ⋄ H ⍎¨x ⍝ attempt to ⍎¨ with a single guard - otherwise dig each
DEBUG: ExecuteEach ⍵ ⍝ force going through the hard code
10:: ExecuteEach ⍵ ⋄ ⍺⍎⍵ ⍝ attempt simple ⍎ and catch LIMIT ERROR
⍝ Make normalised simple vector:
w←↓⍣(2=≢⍴⍵)⊢⍵ ⍝ if mat, make nested
w←{¯1↓∊⍵,¨⎕UCS 13}⍣(2=|≡w)⊢w ⍝ if nested, make simple
w←'''[^'']*''' '⍝.*'⎕R'&' ''⊢w ⍝ strip comments
w/⍨←{(\⍵)∧⌽∨\⌽⍵}33≤⎕UCS w ⍝ strip leading/trailing non-printables
pl←ParenLev w
(0≠⊢/pl)(/0>pl):'Unmatched brackets'⎕SIGNAL 2
/(pl=0)×SepMask w:'Multi-line input'⎕SIGNAL 11
(⊃⎕RSI)Execute⍣execute⊢pl Parse w ⍝ materialise namespace as child of calling namespace
:Section HTML
∇ r←ScriptFollows
⍝ return the subsequent block of comments as a text script
r←{⍵/⍨'⍝'≠⊃¨⍵}{1↓¨⍵/⍨∧\'⍝'=⊃¨⍵}{⍵{((\⍵)∧⌽∨\⌽⍵)/}' '≠⍵}¨(1+2⊃⎕LC)↓↓(180⌶)2⊃⎕XSI
r←2↓∊(⎕UCS 13 10)∘,¨r
∇ r←{path}EndPoints ref;ns
:Access public
:If 0=⎕NC'path' ⋄ path←''
:Else ⋄ path,←'.'
r←path∘,¨{(⊂'')~⍨⍵.{⍵/⍨1 1 0≡×|⎕IO⊃⎕AT ⍵}¨⍵.⎕NL ¯3}ref ⍝ limit to result-returning monadic/dyadic/ambivalent functions
:For ns :In ref.⎕NL ¯9.1
r,←(path,ns)EndPoints ref⍎ns
∇ r←HtmlPage;endpoints
:Access public
⍝<!DOCTYPE html>
⍝<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type">
⍝<link rel="icon" href="data:,">
⍝ <style>
⍝ body {color:#000000;background-color:white;font-family:Verdana;margin-left:0px;margin-top:0px;}
⍝ button {display:inline-block;font-size:1.1em;}
⍝ legend {font-size:1.1em;}
⍝ select {font-size:1.1em;}
⍝ label {display:inline-block;margin-bottom:7px;}
⍝ div {padding:5px;}
⍝ label input textarea button #result {display:flex;}
⍝ textarea {width:100%;font-size:18px;}
⍝ #result {font-size:18px;}
⍝ #result code {white-space:pre-line;word-wrap:break-word;}
⍝ </style>
⍝<div id="content">
⍝ <legend>Request</legend>
⍝ <form id="myform">
⍝ <div>
⍝ <label for="function">Endpoint:</label>
⍝ ⍠
⍝ </div>
⍝ <div>
⍝ <label for="payload">JSON Payload:</label>
⍝ <textarea id="payload" name="payload"></textarea>
⍝ </div>
⍝ <div>
⍝ <button onclick="doit()" type="button">Send</button>
⍝ </div>
⍝ </form>
⍝ <legend>Response</legend>
⍝ <div id="result">
⍝ </div>
⍝function doit() {
⍝ document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "";
⍝ var payload = document.getElementById("payload").value;
⍝ if (0 == payload.length) {
⍝ document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "<span style='color:red;'>Please enter a valid JSON payload</span>";
⍝ } else {
⍝ var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
⍝ var fn = document.getElementById("function").value;
⍝ fn = (0 == fn.indexOf('/')) ? fn : '/' + fn;
⍝"POST", fn, true);
⍝ xhttp.setRequestHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
⍝ xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
⍝ if (this.readyState == 4){
⍝ if (this.status == 200) {
⍝ try {
⍝ var resp = "<pre><code>" + JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(this.responseText)) + "</code></pre>";;
⍝ }
⍝ catch(err) {
⍝ var resp = "<pre><code>" + this.responseText + "</code></pre>";
⍝ }
⍝ } else {
⍝ var resp = "<span style='color:red;'>" + this.statusText + "</span> <pre><code>" + this.responseText + "</code></pre>";
⍝ }
⍝ document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = resp;
⍝ }
⍝ }
⍝ xhttp.send(document.getElementById("payload").value);
⍝ }
endpoints←{⍵/⍨0=CheckFunctionName ⍵}EndPoints CodeLocation
:If 0∊endpoints
endpoints←'<b>No Endpoints Found</b>'
endpoints←∊{'<option value="',⍵,'">',⍵,'</option>'}¨'/'@('.'=⊢)¨endpoints
endpoints←'<select id="function" name="function">',endpoints,'</select>'
r←endpoints{i←⍵'⍠' ⋄ ((i-1)↑⍵),,i↓⍵}r
r←⎕UCS'UTF-8'⎕UCS r